Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lessons from an Organic Avocado Farm

Things I have learned after 2 weeks of work on an organic avocado farm:
  1. The # of figs it takes to give me an incredibly painful stomach ache: 3. The # of figs I eat daily: 12.
  2. Don't expect to actually work with avocados when you work on an avocado farm.
  3. Before this endeavor I was convinced I wanted to raise my own chickens when I “grow up.” Now, I can say with 100% certainty that I am NEVER having chickens.
  4. Farming is not quite what I romanticized it up to be, and there are more tedious tasks than one could imagine.
  5. Pomegranates taste much better when they are free and don't cost $4 each.
  6. I hate harvesting seeds more than anything in the world.
  7. But I have an unhealthy obsession with weeding.
  8. Making North American style chocolate chip cookies from scratch is easier said than done when in Chile. And brown sugar just doesn't exist no matter how many times you walk up and down the aisles of the main supermarket thinking it will be instantaneously imported.


  1. mmmm cookies!!!!! yes please!

  2. We talk about raising Urban Chickens now and again. Lots of folks do that around here. They talk it up, like it's a good thing. What's your beef with poultry?

    Farming is monotonous and whole lot of hard work, no doubt about it.

  3. they´re dirty and annoying. but perhaps urban chickens are better. on this farm we let the chickens roam around the 40 hectares in the day and had to corral them back into their pens at night. that, that was annoying. chickens are not the sharpest grapes in the bunch ;)
