Some of the children have never been to Antigua, and the few that
have, believe it to be a tremendous opportunity to spend the day in the "city". Many of them will never move out of Santa Maria, and while I would love for the kids to never have to go hungry again or to know what it is like to sleep on a mattress, I wonder if they are happier because they don't know what they're missing. They have never known what it's like to sleep without all of their siblings, and so they don't lament it. While it breaks your heart to see some of the kids put their daily piece of bread in their pocket or their tiny purse to take home to share with their families, at the same time, this is their life. And they are not complaining.
Three days before I arrived in Albuquerque, my boyfriend returned from a 10 day trip to Haiti. He was telling me of the corruption, the stealing, the lying, and the violence that has come to define the country. Apparently in the last 200 years, only 4 presidents or dictators have completed their terms of service. The others were exiled, executed, or have fled the country. Both men and women gain status based on the number of children they have. Stealing is rewarded. It has come be said that Haiti's biggest export is poverty. Yes, Haiti is a mess.
Yet, coming from Santa Maria, I can't even imagine this. The people in Santa Maria are so courteous, kind, and unselfish. If a student loses his pista (pocket-change), the entire class stops paying attention and begins crawling on hands and knees looking for the missing 50 centavos. We sent some of the older children to the photocopy shop with Q5 and instructions to make 25 copies. They dutifully returned with correct change and exactly 25 copies. The kids each ate their one piece of bread and fruit and then were satisfied. Although both my boyfriend and I were working in very impoverished communities, it seems that none of the corruption and negative energy of Port-au-Prince is visible in Santa Maria.
Why is this?
Although I am far from understanding the sociological explanations, I did speak with one of the directors of the project on my last night in Antigua and he was able to shed some light on the
On our last day, Steph and I gave each of our students a class photo to take home. They spent the first 5 minutes just staring at the photo and pointing out all the silly expressions of their classmates. They were excited to see their faces on paper, to take this one photograph home and tuck it away in a safe place. Who knows how many other photos of themselves they will have in their lifetimes. And the 150 I have of them isn't nearly enough.
8 weeks and 532 photos later, I am now back in the U.S., jobless and perhaps only a little wiser, but most certainly touched.
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