Well I apparently figured out the first problem, but the second...When do I call this trip complete? How will I know when I am supposed to fly back to the States? Why does not knowing when I will return again to Latin America make it so much harder to say goodbye?
A good friend back home sent me an email the other day that simply said:
Dear Aeriel, In case you didn't know, you have been away for a long time.
And yes, finally I am beginning to feel that I have been away for quite a while. Perhaps it is partly the fact that my hair feels unhealthy and every time I comb it I say to myself, “when I'm back home I'll buy some really good conditioner.” Or, that all of my 12 articles of clothing are currently dirty and as I sift through a calendar to see when is the next chance do find a lavanderia, I think to myself, “it sure will be nice to do laundry at home with a washing machine.” Maybe it is also the fact that it is simply exhausting to unpack and repack your backpack every single day, to sleep in a new bed every single night. And dare I say, even the hippie in me is finally realizing how nice it would be every now and then to have a phone and feel connected with my family, friends, and the world.
But whatever the reason is, I have lately been feeling further away from the rest of what I know and I am getting more excited about what lies ahead “back home” – wherever that ends up being.
As Amanda and I walked through the hills of the avocado farm at sunset the other day, we reminisced about all the ideas we have respectively come up with over the last 5 months while brainstorming how to extend our time abroad. and to continue our travels.
Here are a few of the psychotic plans we came up with while high on the travel buzz:
1. Fly from Buenos Aires to Mexico City, then backpack north all the way to Albuquerque. – Aer
2. Work as a barista at a cafe that has yet to be finished in Mal Pais, Costa Rica and become a surfer chick. – Manda
3. Live for free in our friend Al's house in Mal Pais, Costa Rica and...just get really tan. *Note: the reason we were “friends” is solely based on the fact that we gave him a lift in our (rented, shhh) 4-wheeler. – Manda & Aer
4. Work in Haiti for 2 months and then puddle jump to the Dominican Republic. – Aer (I seriously don't know where I come from sometimes.)
5. Work in a hostel or bartend in Buenos Aires. – Manda & Aer
6. Backpack solo down the west coast of Africa after finishing family vacation in Egypt. – Manda
7. Simply move to Africa. (This one didn't get much more detailed...??) – Aer
Needless to say, it should be noted that both Amanda and I have since arrived at slightly more, shall we say, sensible plans. Amanda will be returning to the States at the end of May (post family vacation in Egypt – that part wasn't made up) and will then begin grad school at American University. And, might I add, will be spending a significant chunk of her degree studying in Costa Rica! As for myself...I am surprise surprise less sure of my plans, but I am currently applying to work in Central America next year, though still holding my breath and crossing my fingers on that one.
I would not trade a second of this trip for anything, but I have learned that travel as pure travel is not sustainable – emotionally or physically. It is exhausting on the body and the spirits. For now, I have 2-3 more months, with still 3 countries left unseen. And then? I want to find my way back to Latin America, to continue to work on my Spanish speaking skills, to continue living in this amazingly beautiful culture. Yet with a deeper purpose – a longer project where I can see results and change.
So with that, here's to the future: the immediate – that still holds Patagonia and Argentina; and to the long term – that hopefully will include a longer, fulfilling project somewhere south of Mexico.
And I suppose also here's to finally, for the first time, being struck with the desire to return to the States in the near(ish) future. My hair will certainly thank me.
I have lots of modern amenities waiting for you when you make your way back to New Mexico!
ReplyDeleteThoughts of home, good or bad are a sure sign that a true journey of the heart has been made... Set mind to purpose, is my new mantra and it seems fitting here even if the purpose is only a rough outline...
ReplyDeleteSet mind to purpose.... find your focus and you will find a lifestyle... tailor made for Aeriel.
P.S we have lots of tasty green chile.... and conditioner :)
1. I'll bet you can find a bottle of Green Chili Hair Conditioner somewhere in New Mexico. If not, well then, there's some money waiting to be made. Why does hair always need to smell like fruit?
ReplyDelete2. Please don't backpack through Northern Mexico. I think we can scratch that one off the list.
hot water and peanut butter Mary, all i need.
And Zimi that's why it was on the list of psychotic ideas!!